Lisa has taught dozens of Daisy, Brownie and Girl Scout troops in the last year!

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Adorable kids practicing Tree Pose and Warrior II

Fully customizable classes with Lisa Arce, teacher, mother and performer

Lisa will come to your Girl Scout Meeting with mats and supplies for your Girl Scout Yoga Patch program.  Lisa will get to know your girls quickly, teach brief meditation well as fun and easy yoga poses and sequences..with fun songs and games for the younger students, and with age appropriate discussions for the older girls.  The program usually lasts an hour, but can be tailored to your needs.  Lisa will work with the leaders to make sure all supplies and needs are met and a rewarding, fun event takes place.

Basic, Voluntary Guidelines for the Yoga Patch

  • Daisy: ½ hour class with a ½ hour craft (see below)
  • Brownie: ½ hour class with a ½ hour craft (see below).
  • Junior Girl Scouts: 1-hour class. (45 minute class with 15 minutes of meditation, discussion and music.)
  • Girl Scouts 11-14: 1-hour class. (45 minute class with 15 minutes of meditation, discussion and music.)
  1. Attend a yoga class.

Learn how to relax and breathe while having fun!

  1. Practice yoga at home.

While in class, learn three yoga poses and practice these three poses every day for one week. Note how these poses make you feel.

  1. Share.

After practicing the poses, share what you have learned by teaching one yoga pose to a friend!

  1. Tell the truth.

One of the ethical values yoga teaches is truthfulness. Try only telling the truth for one week and note how it feels.

  1. Focus on non-harming.

One of the ethical values yoga teaches is non-harming. Try not to physically or verbally harm any person or animal for one week. Focus on positive words towards others.

  1. Try a stillness exercise.

Yoga teaches us to be still. Try to find a quiet spot, sit and close your eyes every day for one week. Focus on your breathing for just one minute the first time. Try to sit longer each time you practice stillness.

  1. Drink water.

Water is so important to our health and well-being! Substitute water for sugared drinks for one week. Notice any change in energy.

  1. Laugh out loud. Literally!

You always hear that laughing is the best medicine. It’s true! Try laughing every day for one week. If you can’t find something to laugh about, laugh at yourself!

  1. Do a good deed.

Do something for someone else. It can be anyone as long as it makes the other person happy.

  1. Do something for the environment.


Clean up trash at a park or school. Fill at least one bag of trash.